Valentines day. So I got flowers from my staff. It was really sweet of them to do this! I know I am a good boss, but really.
I also found out that the homeless woman who lives basically behind city hall, sleeps on one of the benches, and puts up a small blanket tent during the summer to keep cool, mumbles alot and rams her shopping cart into parked cars occasionally, died in front of 7-11 last night. I don't think she ramed her cart on purpose, I think it was so heavy she couldn't steer it very well. What a horrible place to die.
I also found out that the homeless woman who lives basically behind city hall, sleeps on one of the benches, and puts up a small blanket tent during the summer to keep cool, mumbles alot and rams her shopping cart into parked cars occasionally, died in front of 7-11 last night. I don't think she ramed her cart on purpose, I think it was so heavy she couldn't steer it very well. What a horrible place to die.