The Beginning
Part I
There are actually 2 parts to my adult life. Before my sister died, and after my sister died; I suppose I look at it that way because of how different the two parts are.
When I was in my mid twenties I decided to move to Lake Tahoe. This was actually a result of meeting a man who lived there, but also because I need change and I needed to be closer to nature. The environment was a big draw. For those of you who have never been there,
go there now.
I lived there for 10 years, it all seems like a dream now. I had a lovely house with a lake view, wonderful friends, I skied, I hiked, I mountain biked; I listed to the snowfall and then melt. My life was good.
I met my now husband, who lived in southern California. We romped in nature’s playground on the weekends. Ate in all the yummy places, watched romantic sunsets on the lake, hiked under the moonlight and picnicked in idyllic places that no one else new about.
Then all hell broke loose. On January 2, 1996 I had just put Andy on the plane to go home, I had a message from my mother. I rang her back and she told me my sister was dead. Just like that, not I have some bad news, or Ann you may want to sit down. No, she just blurted out Barbara is dead.